Sterling House Preschool


The First Preschool in Stratford

NAEYC Accredited since 2011

Licensed by the State of Connecticut

Our Mission

To provide and maintain a classroom setting that is safe, emotionally secure, supportive, and planned for independence.

Looking to register? Join our waitlist - please send an email to with your interest so we can set up a information session!

We want each child’s experience to be positive; filled with activities that are both challenging and rewarding.  Our goal is to support the social, emotional, physical, and cognitive development of our children, while igniting a love for learning. Our preschoolers are encouraged to observe, predict, explore, discover, experiment, and to take pride and responsibility in their work. Our space is bright, vibrant, stimulating, rambunctious, and spirited.

We believe that happy students, happy families, and happy teachers can create one terrific school!

Together, we strive to make:

  • students, families, and teachers feel safe, comfortable, and accepted.

  • healthy and respectful relationships that are promoted by all members of the school community.

  • students feel encouraged to be leaders and positive role models.

  • parents and community members actively engaged.

  • a setting in which positive behavior is reinforced.

  • a culture of high expectations in which the improvement of learning outcomes for all students is emphasized. 

Sterling House Preschool supports and nurtures the growth of the whole child through the following 4 domains: social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and creative. This is done through the guidance of the Early Learning and Development Standards within a play-based environment.

Family Resources

Sample Class Schedule

The daily schedule establishes a consistent sequence of activities that help young children to predict the order of events to feel more secure and in control of their day. The following is a typical daily schedule the class follows:

8:00 - 9:00am | Children arrive/Table Toys and Centers

9:00 - 9:45am | Whole Group Meeting Time

9:45 - 10:00am | Snack

10:00 - 10:30am | Free play/Center Time

10:30 - 11:00am | Small Group Instruction

11:00 - 12:00pm | Large Muscle Movement/Outside Play

12:00 - 12:30pm | Lunch/AM Students Dismissal

12:30 - 1:00pm | Large Muscle Movement/Outside Play

1:15 - 2:45pm | Rest Time

2:45 - 3:00pm | Snack

3:00 - 3:20pm | Story Time or Special Activity

3:20 - 3:30pm | Prepare for Dismissal

Meet Our Team

  • Amy Kapitan


    Miss Amy has been teaching at Sterling House Preschool for 11 school years! She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood Education and Psychology from Southern Connecticut State University. In our classroom, Miss Amy introduces students to many new experiences throughout the school year to help prepare them for success in Preschool as well as Kindergarten. During the summers, Miss Amy is our Assistant Camp Director. When she’s not at Sterling House, Miss Amy can be found loving all things DISNEY!

  • Linda Douglass


    Ms. Linda has joined Sterling House Preschool as a classroom teacher during the 2021-2022 school year. She has been a part of our team for nearly 5 years, first as a volunteer and then as a classroom assistant. Miss Linda began her teaching career in her home country of England UK, where she was both an assistant and head teacher. Ms. Linda has a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from The Manchester Metropolitan University in Manchester, UK. In her free time, Ms. Linda loves to bake, sew and look after her chickens and ducks with the help of Iris the Golden Retriever and Lionel the cat.

  • Ericka Sullivan


    The 2022-2023 school year will be Miss Ericka's sixth year at Sterling House! She began as an intern and now works in all our youth development programs: summer camp, preschool, and After School, as well as supporting all the parts of our busy House. Ericka has her Bachelor's Degree in Social Work from Southern Connecticut State University. She enjoys playing with students to get to know them better and support them in the challenges that arise.

  • Julia Seeber


    Julia Seeber, affectionately known as "Miss Julie" has been our Preschool Classroom Assistant since 2021, but has been a part of Sterling House Community Center since the early 1990s when she served on our Council. She has her Bachelor's Degree from the University of Montana in Elementary Education and has her Master's Degree in Preschool Special Education from Southern Connecticut State University. Miss Julie taught special education for 23 years in the Stratford Public Schools. A resident of Stratford for 31 years, Miss Julie has one adult son. She has been to Africa twice, loves to scrapbook, collect dolls, and sing and play with the students here in Preschool!